Fifty miles this week had me feeling pretty good about getting back into the serious marathon training schedule. I ran every day even though I missed Gary's speed work session on Tuesday due to work. I did pretty much a 6 or 7 miler every day, except Tuesday morning which was my own speedwork session, but I never feel I get as much out of doing it on my own.
On Thursday, I did 7 miles tempo, all at 6.35 min miles. Sunday was my long run, which was 2 x 7 mile laps which passed my house. It is quite a hilly lap, so it was good variation training too. It was a pretty consistent 7.25 pace, which is just a little faster than my goal race pace of 7.30 or 3.15 for the marathon. I felt pretty good after the 14 miles, although I did feel the effort towards the end of the run.
I seem to have been picking up more than the usual amount of colds lately, and suspect I may have been over doing it with long days at work and some hard training, so I decided to take Monday off, because I wanted to while I felt good, and not because I had to due fatigue.
Back to speedwork last night which was a gentle two mile warm up, followed by 4x 1200m 5k pace laps, then 2 mile cool down. I really like the speedwork sessions, and could go for alot longer, but the session is only an hour long. Back to work tomorrow on earlies, which are all a 5.20am start, so what enthusiasm I will have for running at 5 pm that evening will be questionable. I also find that the quality of the session after such early starts is not that good, but at least I will cover some distance I suppose.
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