Thursday, 18 July 2013

Back to work

So after the high of my new Pb, its back to work. I started back on lates, which was not so bad, and as I had been off for a month, they were all long days planned. Two trips to the canary islands and one to Malta, mixed in with a few uk and Polish flights for good measure.

I have really enjoyed the Tuesday speedwork sessions with Gary O Hanlon, although this week I was suffering with a nasty head cold and had been up since 4.30am for work, so I felt and ran alot slower than I thought I could have. Gary's plan for marathon running training is radically different than any 'conventional' program. Basically, its seems that the longest run will peak at 16 miles. The three cornerstones of the program are the speedwork session on Tuesdays, with a rest day on Wednesday, then gradually increasing tempo runs starting at 6 miles at week one on Thursdays, and then the long runs at weekends, only up to 16 miles. He is advocating training for 6 days a week if possible, and while he hasn't been specific on total weekly mileage yet, I am guessing 50 to 60 min. I would be well up for this type of training, as I enjoy tempo runs and pushing myself. When I started writing this blog, the whole idea was to find a training plan that would work for me, so I will try anything, and to be fair to Gary, he knows what he is talking about.

I have been reading DR Phil Maffetone's big book of endurance training. It is heavy stuff, with alot of detail on nutrition, alot of which I have tried to follow on a daily basis. I have drastically reduced carbs, alot more fresh fruit, no margarine, no potatoes or chips or pasta, no fruit juice or processed ready meals, and reduced salt intake. More eggs, fish and proteins. I can't stick to it 100%, as when I am flying I am a bit limited to what I can take with me, but already I feel I have alot more energy. It makes sense to go back towards a more natural diet, although I have to admit, I still have the odd chocolate bar, but life is for living, and this is a hobby, I am not an elite athlete.

I am running the fingal 10k in swords this Sunday. Hoping for a pb on the course, anything under 39.20. Its forecast for a hot day but the race is at 10 am so here's hoping!

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