Monday, 8 July 2013

5k PB.

So straight to it, 18.45,  new 5k pb. It was a big field for the south o'hanlon 5k and that time got me a 41st place. I entered the race at the very last minute, only deciding to go at 6pm. We had a pretty tough speedwork session on the Tuesday night with coach Gary, and the legs were pretty tierd, so I wasn't sure it was going to be a great idea, but I love the buzz of a race and it wasn't too far to drive.The course was pretty flat, although I heard others mention that it was too hilly, and the weather was warm and humid. I ran it well, although as three runners made a burst to pass me over the last 500m, I had nothing left in the legs to hold them back. As the finish came into sight and i saw the clock, I tried one last effort at a sprint, but the legs said no, and i was very happy with a new pb.

My speedwork sessions are definately helping improve my times, although I have started to run my longer runs of over 7 miles at a slower 8 min mile pace to compensate the high intensity runs. I am also using a heart rate monitor and reading Dr Phil Maffetones book. His advice for diet is pretty strict, and that unfortunately does not for easy reading given my love of cake! However, things are starting to come together now, and I really believe I can knock at least another 30 seconds of that 5k time. Next race is a 10k. I went back to work this week, and racked up 48 hours in 5 days. They were all late finishes, getting home well after midnight, so I am expecting to feel a bit more strain with the training scheduele from here. marathon training starts son, oh great!!!

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