Sunday, 14 February 2016

Sensitive times

After not taking any rest days for the previous 9, I took Monday as a rest day. I could have gone out for an easy 6 or so, but I wanted to do a hard tempo on Tuesday, and I was interested to see how the rest day would effect my effort.
Tuesday was one mile warmup, 8 miles tempo at 6:40, and one cool down. The plan went well, and when I went out the door for the warmup, my legs felt light and strong. The 8 miles finished at 6:38 avg. I felt pretty good after the session, while I definitely felt the effort, it was do-able, and I was pleased with the result, having doubted I would be able to maintain the pace. Oh, and it rained on me.

Wednesday was an evening run after work in the dark, and it was 6 miles easy. And it rained on me.
At this point, a very delicate area of my chest, my nipples, we're getting a bit fed up of the friction of wet tops, and blood ensued.

Thursday, as I was off work, I went out for a hilly planned 7 miles, which ended up being 9 miles of the hilliest run I have ever done, owing to a slight change of planned route which proved very challenging. So much so, that on Friday, my gluteus were very tender. And it rained on me, and my nipples, which bled again.

Friday was a nice day for a change, and 10 easy. I got clever, and plastered my chest!

Saturday, again a nice but chilly day (I went out before it rained), was a bit undecided before heading out, 8 to 10. I ended up doing 9, not because I couldn't do more, but because I was conscious of my planned long run the next day, and my target weekly mileage.

Today's long run went well. The target was 16 miles, which was achieved. It was the first week I decided to target a specific pace for a long run. I set out for 7:40 pace, Gary usually advises about 35 seconds slower than target pace at this stage. I finished at 7:38 average for the distance. The last two were a bit of a struggle, I guess the weekly mileage had caught up with me at that point.
So 60 solid miles for the week, the only thing missing was a speed session, but the tempo run sort of made up for that.
Away to the USA again onSaturday for a slightly longer trip. Treadmill miles will likely be the order of the day of a few days, mileage uncertain.