Sunday, 28 February 2016

Good bad

The last 5 days I ran 48 miles. That's not a lot,miso that's in a way, bad.
However, I think the quality of the miles was good.
Wednesday was a tempo which I had noted previously. Thursday was 2 miles warmup, two miles at around 6:50 minute mile pace, and two mile cool down at 7:30.
Friday was 10 miles, the first 6 at easy pace, 7:30, the next three at tempo pace, 6:35, and a mile cool down at 7:30. I felt really strong finishing this session and could easily gone longer, but I was keeping the weekend run in mind.
Saturday was 8 miles in total all at easy pace to not tire myself out for Sunday.
On Sunday, we had a local charity race in aid of the brother of a close friend of mine, he himself an avid runner. At 44 years old, and with three children, he is seriously ill with cancer. I was tempted to run this four mile race, but I volunteered to Marshall instead, but signed up anyway. The weather was great, and there were 636 entrants. A great day had by all, with all ages and abilities represented, mothers and buggies, couch to 5k, and the winner in around 20:40.

After it was all done, I headed out in the glorious sunshine for my planned 18 miles.
The objective was negative splits, first 10 at 7:40, next four at 7:30, next four at 7:20. However, as I was late heading out, and had to be back for 5pm for family time, it was likely it would have to be cut short to 16.
All started well, and I found it difficult to hold the perceived slow pace of 7:40, with the first 10 at 7:34 average, so upping the pace was easy enough. On the out leg, I had placed a bottle of water with some cordial in it, so that I would pick it up again at 11 miles. When I got to 11 miles, it was gone! I was devastated, and very miffed that someone would steal my drink, finding it hard not to believe that they would not know what it was for.
Anyway, in pushed on not even stopping to look around for it. The last 6 miles were at 7:25 average.
Finishing up, I still felt I had plenty left, and wondered how much better the water and sugar hit might have left me. So while I didn't get the desired miles, I took a positive from the session.

I suppose every session should be a key session from here on in. Again, looking back at last years sessions, I never ran huge mileage, quality over quantity from here on in. That is not to say I am happy with only running 48 miles for a week, but over 7 days that is likely to be closer to 70, which is probably where I would be happy to be.

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