So it looks like I got away with it, just about.
I started to feel a bit unwell on Friday, just a sore throat, but ok for 9 miles at an easy pace.
Saturday was the last blast. After Wednesday tempo, Thursday and Friday, I set out for 13 at marathon pace. One mile warmup then I set off at 6:50. The first few miles were quite tough, as has been the case a lot recently. I don't really get into a nice rhythm until about 5 miles.
Once I settled in the pace was nice, and I was steadily maintaining a 6:45 pace. I anticipated tiring a bit, but it never really came until around 12 miles, and at that stage I was committed, going through the half marathon point at 1:27:45, on onwards to finish the 14 tempo at an average of 6:44. A half mile cooldown was over 15 for the session. It was tough enough, but after I had showered I felt pretty good.
The next day my sore throat had gotten worse, and I had a nasty headache. Monday I felt quite miserable, but went out for a speed session of sorts. 1 mile warmup, then 4x1 mile at 6:00 min pace, with 60 second intervals. Tuesday was 1 mile warmup, with a two mile tempo at 5:50 pace, with a mile cooldown.
The idea was small miles at fast pace. I had hoped to do similar on Wednesday , but a I was feeling very miserable at this point, and the neurofen dose was increased.
I was surprised that it was lasting that long, and wasn't worried as there was plenty of time to next Monday.
No running Wednesday or Thursday, so I am lucky it is taper week, although is would have liked to keep going with some short fast miles.
On Wednesday I chatted with Gerald Flemming of met Eireann, who sits on a shared committee on a professional forum for work. I mentioned that I was doing the marathon on Monday, and enquirer as to the weather I could expect. His face spoke volumes, with a 'it will definitely be cool and fresh' response not filling me with great hope of a nice day.
I still need to shift this cold, but sure there is plenty of time, right?
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