Sunday, 5 January 2014

Starting, next week!

Despite great plans this week as I was working on late shift, which should have meant that I got to run every morning before work, it didn't really work out that way. The weather didn't help either.

The weeks running went as follows,

Monday slow run - 5.5 @ 7.50 pace
Tuesday rest day
Wednesday, goal mile
Thursday 9.4 @ 7.10 pace
Friday 5.5 @ 6.55 pace
Saturday 10k @ 6.25 pace, plus 2.5 warm-up and cool down
Sunday rest day.

This gave me only just over 30 miles for the week. Sunday was not supposed to be a rest day, with at least a 10 mile aerobic run planned, however the 13 hour day at work on Saturday, getting home at 1 am, sleeping in the next morning, and then family life, including the cinema with the kids, meant I didn't get out. Some hardcore might see this as just an excuse, and I know Gerry Duffy would have been up at 4am to make sure he got the run in, but Gerry I am not!

The tempo 10k this week only just crept in under the 40 min mark which is my benchmark, and I am putting a lot of that down to the effort being harder due to the nearly 5 pounds I put on over the last three weeks. It's 5 pounds of pure chocolate and cake over Christmas, but I felt allowing myself to indulge for a few weeks would see me refreshed with a renewed enthusiasm for the new year, and it will, next week! Someone put a very good post on Facebook, I will start my diet in the new year, but first I have to eat all the junk in the house from Christmas!

Three targets this week. First, at least 40 miles. Second, join the gym for the days when I don't fancy running in the gale force winds and lashing rain. Third, buy a set of spikes for the cross country running. The kids are back to school tomorrow, the decorations are coming down, roll on normality, and looking forward to a new year of challenges.

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