Sunday, 12 January 2014

2 out of 3

Last week I gave myself three objectives, and I achieved two. I ran 43 miles for the week, bought myself a pair of spikes, but didn't join the gym. The weather wasn't too bad this week so I postponed the gym until I need it more.

Monday 9.5 miles @ 7.25 pace
Tuesday speed-work on the track with club, 6 miles total
Wednesday 5.5 miles @ 7.20 pace
Thursday rest
Friday Tempo 6 miles at 6.25 pace plus 2.5 warmup and cool down
Saturday 14 miles, first 11 @ 7.40 pace, last 3 @ 6.40.
Sunday rest.

My legs were pretty sore for the run on Wednesday after the speed-work which was a 12 minute 10k pace, then 6x200, then 2 laps at 5k pace. I ran a few of the 200's a bit hard, hence the soreness of Wednesday. I had another club member with me as company for the tempo on Friday which was great to have the company.

I hadn't planned to do the long run on Saturday, but I was finished work relatively early after a 5am start, and it was a beautiful day, if not a bit cold, so I pushed it out. It was to be a 80 minute run, with    60 at slow pace and last 20 at tempo, and I actually felt better and easier  running at the tempo pace    for the last three miles than I did at the easy segment.

Overall a good weeks training considering I was on the early shift for the week, a 10% increase in mileage next week would be nice, and Gary is preparing us for the Bohermeen from this week.  


  1. Joining a gym sounds more like a threat than an objective to me anyway!

  2. It sounds to me like you have been reading up on the airline training department handbook Thomas. TEM, threat and error management, recognise the threats and avoid the errors associated.
