Sunday, 26 January 2014

Learning fast

After last weeks 50+ miles, I had always planned to have a bit of a step back week this week. Also, with work being busy I knew it would be an easy week. 33 miles,

Monday 9 miles@ 7.16 avg
Tuesday rest
Wednesday 4x1 miles repeats @ 6.10 with 3 w/u + c/d
Thursday 10k tempo @ 6.40 with 2.5 w/u + c/d
Friday 5k @ 6.45
Saturday rest
Sunday 5 miles @ 6.00 avg.

Working on lates on Tuesday meant I missed speed training with Gary so I did my own on Wednesday, and Thursday was my first off day, so myself and Glen did the usual tempo Thursday at a slightly slower pace than normal.
As I had planned to do the raheny 5 mile race on Sunday, again I just did some short fast miles to try to keep the feeling of fast turnover in the legs.

Saturday I headed out to Claremont stadium in Navan for my athletics Ireland assistant coaching course. My daughter goes to juvenile training with the club on Monday nights and really enjoys it, so as I am there with her anyway, and I really enjoy seeing the kids learning and enjoying themselves, I volunteered to help out. The course is the first step, and next month I move on to the full level 1 qualification. I got a tremendous amount of information from the course. I have not even been running for very long compared to most people who have a lot more experience than me, so the skills associated with events such as long jump and shot putt were totally new to me, but I already am looking forward to helping the kids develop the skills.
The course was the full day, and there was a lot of activity involved, so no running.

Sunday morning was a blustery morning, and myself and the kids headed to a local athletics event not too far away in cunshinstown. It started at 11, so I figured they would get their events done, home for lunch, then off to raheny. Things didn't quite go to plan though, events ran over, and we had to leave with only the long jump done.

Leaving late had me arriving late, collected the number with just time for a short warm up and then line up. The rain had held off, although it was cold at about 4 degrees C, and quite windy too. I didn't know anything about the course other than it was a 5 mile of left turns, and one of the club mates I met briefly told me that there was a hill at 4 miles.
I started quite near the front, and there was a lot of quite rough pushing and shoving for the first few hundred meters, and I narrowly avoided being tripped a few times. I had set the pacer for a 6.10 mile, with a sub 31 minute the target. Mile 1 was too quick at 5.48, and I pulled it back, with mile 2 at 6.02. While this was still too fast for my target, I felt really comfortable at the pace, so I didn't worry too much. Mile 3 was 5.52, and we had turned out of the wind which was now pretty much on our back. I began to pass quite a few who had gone out too fast, and hoped that wouldn't be me in a miles time!
Mile 4 we encountered the hill, which was into wind, and as we have plenty of hill experience in our club, I again passed a good few runners going up it. Mile 4, 5.54. I knew that unless I totally fell apart, I would be within my target, and I still felt pretty strong, all the while waiting to fall apart, so holding just that little back. As I glanced at the watch, the fleeting thought was that could I maybe get under the 30?, no, don't think about that, just run!

The last mile always seems the longest to me in any race, and I could hear the loud speakers, but didn't know where the finish line was. As I came around the final bend my watch rang out 5 miles, damn, it had measured long! I looked at the timer at the finish line, 29.49, I would never make it, but I was sure going to try. I gave it everything I had and crossed the line agonisingly close at 30.03.
I met Gary O'Hanlon beside the finish, and he said I passed him at 29.57 and didn't think I got in under 30. Nevertheless, I was absolutely thrilled.
I didn't have to wait long, when other club members came steaming home, all in fantastic times in a day with tough conditions, and I think it is fair to say, again, that the results we are all getting from Gary's coaching are fantastic.

Results posted this evening, after a torturous wait, 29.58!!!!! Delighted. A great start to the years racing, and it gives me confidence going forward. I have definitely improved a lot over the last 7 months since I joined the club, however I realise these things are not linear, and I am sure that trying to improve even slightly from here will not be so easy. But I am definitely up for the challenge.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Lost in the park!

Last week I undertook to increase my mileage by 10% from the 42 I had done, I ended up a bit over that with 51 done in total. The extra miles were due to the fact that I didn't take a rest day, but I didn't feel I needed one, and with the weather being mostly good this week I decided to make run while the sun shines.

Monday 7 miles @ 7 min pace
Tuesday 4.5 miles speedwork
Wednesday 9 miles @ 7.20 pace
Thursday 8.5 miles with sub40 10k
Friday 5.5 miles @ 7.40 pace
Saturday 5k @ 6.00 pace
Sunday 13 miles, 10 @7.15 with last 3 @6.25

On Monday I had company for the run with Brian C from the club who showed me how to run up hills! Tuesdays speed session was 8x2 min 5k pace with 1 min jog recovery which I ran at 5.55 pace, although at the end of the session I felt I should have ran them at 5.50 as I was ready for more punishment! Wednesday was just an easyish run to build miles and was a pretty flat course. Thursday was tempo day and it was great to have 3 other guys from the club join me. 39.35 for the 10k, and from this week I am going to start trying to improve this time by 5 seconds per mile for the next few weeks toward a 6.10 pace. Friday was a recovery run, and the legs felt quite tired from the effort the day before and I suppose the higher mileage for the week.

On Saturday a few of us had planned to do the local park run in Malahide. The morning was really wet and pretty cold, but the brave and dedicated runners we are, we went anyway. It was my first time, but Brian C had been the week before and gave us a good rundown on what to watch out for on the course. The field of runners was probably smaller than usual given the weather, but there was still a good crowd.

So, one of the effects of getting older is the eyesight has gotten bad. I am short sighted, and without my glasses I have difficulty making out faces etc at distance. Off we went at the start, the rain still coming down quite hard, and the park trails were very muddy and quite waterlogged. I had set the watch for a 3.40 k pace, and after the first lap I was third, with the two runners in front quite a distance ahead. At this position, I had nobody in front of me to follow with the next group of 6 runners about 50 meters behind me. As I ran, head down with cap on, I didn't notice the arrow pointing to go right on this new part of the course, and kept going straight. It was only when the group behind came around the bend and saw me heading merrily off the wrong way, did they begin shouting at me. I turned my head to see them all veer right, and I wont go into much detail as to me comments, suffice to say I was not pleased!

I turned and set off after the group, passing 4 of them again, but unable to pass the two at the lead of the group, to finish 5th at 18.32. It was a good time under the circumstances of the weather and my little detour, and I enjoyed the run, with a large slice of cake and a coffee afterwards, burning the ears of the lads with my tale of woe!

Sundays run was to be timed, but I have a nice course which is hilly at the start, and pretty much exactly 13.1 miles. As per Gary's instructions, I ran the first 10 at a relatively easy pace, not on the watch, just on feel, although keeping the time, and the last 3 again, on feel. I was pleasantly surprised to see the sub 6.30 pace for the last 3 miles, and while the effort was certainly hard, not prohibitively so.

A number of things for this week, assistant coach course with AAI on Saturday, cushinstown races for the kids Sunday morning, with a quick dash to Raheny for the 5 mile race on Sunday. Oh, and I will have to squeeze in work too!

Sunday, 12 January 2014

2 out of 3

Last week I gave myself three objectives, and I achieved two. I ran 43 miles for the week, bought myself a pair of spikes, but didn't join the gym. The weather wasn't too bad this week so I postponed the gym until I need it more.

Monday 9.5 miles @ 7.25 pace
Tuesday speed-work on the track with club, 6 miles total
Wednesday 5.5 miles @ 7.20 pace
Thursday rest
Friday Tempo 6 miles at 6.25 pace plus 2.5 warmup and cool down
Saturday 14 miles, first 11 @ 7.40 pace, last 3 @ 6.40.
Sunday rest.

My legs were pretty sore for the run on Wednesday after the speed-work which was a 12 minute 10k pace, then 6x200, then 2 laps at 5k pace. I ran a few of the 200's a bit hard, hence the soreness of Wednesday. I had another club member with me as company for the tempo on Friday which was great to have the company.

I hadn't planned to do the long run on Saturday, but I was finished work relatively early after a 5am start, and it was a beautiful day, if not a bit cold, so I pushed it out. It was to be a 80 minute run, with    60 at slow pace and last 20 at tempo, and I actually felt better and easier  running at the tempo pace    for the last three miles than I did at the easy segment.

Overall a good weeks training considering I was on the early shift for the week, a 10% increase in mileage next week would be nice, and Gary is preparing us for the Bohermeen from this week.  

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Starting, next week!

Despite great plans this week as I was working on late shift, which should have meant that I got to run every morning before work, it didn't really work out that way. The weather didn't help either.

The weeks running went as follows,

Monday slow run - 5.5 @ 7.50 pace
Tuesday rest day
Wednesday, goal mile
Thursday 9.4 @ 7.10 pace
Friday 5.5 @ 6.55 pace
Saturday 10k @ 6.25 pace, plus 2.5 warm-up and cool down
Sunday rest day.

This gave me only just over 30 miles for the week. Sunday was not supposed to be a rest day, with at least a 10 mile aerobic run planned, however the 13 hour day at work on Saturday, getting home at 1 am, sleeping in the next morning, and then family life, including the cinema with the kids, meant I didn't get out. Some hardcore might see this as just an excuse, and I know Gerry Duffy would have been up at 4am to make sure he got the run in, but Gerry I am not!

The tempo 10k this week only just crept in under the 40 min mark which is my benchmark, and I am putting a lot of that down to the effort being harder due to the nearly 5 pounds I put on over the last three weeks. It's 5 pounds of pure chocolate and cake over Christmas, but I felt allowing myself to indulge for a few weeks would see me refreshed with a renewed enthusiasm for the new year, and it will, next week! Someone put a very good post on Facebook, I will start my diet in the new year, but first I have to eat all the junk in the house from Christmas!

Three targets this week. First, at least 40 miles. Second, join the gym for the days when I don't fancy running in the gale force winds and lashing rain. Third, buy a set of spikes for the cross country running. The kids are back to school tomorrow, the decorations are coming down, roll on normality, and looking forward to a new year of challenges.