Sunday 18 January 2015

Jogging on the spot

I fell short of my target mileage this week at only 36, mostly because I didn't get my long run in today. I was scheduled to get 14 in, but time constraints ended up me just doing a quick 6. The plan is for the long run tomorrow.
Wednesday was interesting. It was the day storm Rachel arrived, and it was bright out so I figured I would head out. An easy 9 miles was on the cards. The first few went well with the wind on my back, but mile 7 was directly into wind. Jogging on the spot comes to mind, great for the ab's but not great for the time, or face!
Thursday I did some speed work. It was very difficult to get the legs turning over for the first two miles. I did one mile warmup, two one mile reps at 6.10, and then 3 sets of 800's at 6 minute pace with a  mile to cool down. It was nice to get the legs turning over again, although at the end of the session I was fairly spent, and the effort was pretty tough.
The next challenge is to start cleaning up the diet again. When I was running well I was constantly at 10 stone exactly, and I am now up to 10stone 8 lbs. I am enjoying too many potatoes with dinner, the trick I find is to reduce the carbs and up the protein. That tends to make the carbs more effective when you up the dosage before a target race. Funnily enough, for me, one of the best pre-race foods is chips! I like that one.
I am also trying from the start of this training cycle to do some core work every day after my run. 40 press ups and the same sit ups, with some stretching.
Although the weather is cold at the moment, it is pretty good running weather. The main challenge is slippery patches on the road. The last thing I need is to go over on the ankle or something.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Balance and PSB's

When I looked back on my blogs recently, it seems that 2013 was the year I went from, in my terms, zero to hero. I really put some work in, and came from a low base to all my PB's in the space of about  eight months.
In 2014, work life was prioritised, and my training and racing stagnated, if not started going in reverse. Overnight, my time off was pretty much halved, which limited my training capability. I managed to retain a bit of short distance fitness, but my stamina had decreased substantially. It was harder to find the time to get the long runs in, and I had to give up speed training with Gary.
The speed training was probably the biggest factor, as it really motivated me, and being able to run in a group also pushed me.
2015 is going to be a more balanced year hopefully. I am looking forward to the London marathon, and training started this week. December wasn't a great month for milage, although I am looking at that as a break before the next ramp up of a training cycle. I have written up a training schedule for myself, based on the three corner stones of any preparation for a target race of  a bit of a distance.
One day of speedwork, one tempo day, one long run day. Those three principles, combined with a gradual increase in milage should see me right for London. I have no target set yet for London, but at this point, I won't be pushing for a PB. I do have an ideal pace I would like to hope to feel comfortable at, and closer to the time I will finalise that.
This week for week one of proper marathon training went well, getting the three core runs done. The long run wasn't particularly long at 11 miles. I didn't really get it right either. With the Bohermeen half marathon at the beginning of March, after 3 miles I thought it might be interesting to see how I got on over 13 miles, and pushed the pace a bit to hard, with mile 5 at 6.55. That may have been easy five or six months ago, but not now for me, and by mile 9 I decided to cut it short and head for home.
That evening, I started to have a bit of pain in my right hip, and put it down to the increase in mileage for the week.
When I headed out today, the first mile was a big struggle, so much so that th pain in my hip almost made me turn back. I decided to push on, and thankfully by mile 3 it had warmed up and worked itself out. Again I got a bit carried away towards the end, and mile 7 which was the last, was the fastest at 7 minutes.
PSB's are personal steps backwards. I am guessing that I may face into some of those in the very near future, but this year I hope to find the balance between work and life a bit easier.