Sunday, 7 October 2018

Irish 3/4 2018

Recovery after Berlin was reasonable in so far as it took about two weeks for the soreness in the legs to totally dissipate while running.

The first run was on the Friday after, with a false start on the day before where I went all the way out the front door all geared up to run, and I just turned around when I saw the wind and rain, went in put my feet up with a cup of tea.

After that, reasonable distances, 8 miles @ 7:44, next day a short 5 mile recovery @ 7:26, 8 @ 7:52.
A rest day, and the first real test of speed and recovery, 2 mile warmup and then 6 miles @ 6:44. The first few miles were easy, but I was shattered by 6, two mile recovery , but a good 10 mile workout 9 days after a marathon.

I was away to Seattle for a few days after that, and managed an 11 mile run while there. I found that one extremely tough, doubting at one point I would even finish, with quite a bit of soreness in my feet. A rest day flying back, a short 5 mile, and then another 'long run' at 14 miles. Starting off very conservatively at 7:40, I found I could gradually pick up the pace as the distance went on, finishing on 7:15 mile with 7:26 average. I was quite pleased with that one, although again my feet hurt a bit.

This week, I got two speed sessions in of 8 miles each at 6:50 and 6:45 pace respectively. Work forced a taper which I would have done anyway for today's 3/4 marathon distance race at Longwood.
It was very cold, a sharp change in the weather. The plan was to try and run 7:10 pace, which is a 3:10 marathon, to try and gauge the likelihood of maintaining that pace for Dublin.

The going was tough right from the off, and I never really settled into a comfortable pace. The early miles were all around 7:05, a bit too fast, but not dramatically so. The course has a lot of small drags, and it was quite breezy. I kept just ahead of the 3 hour pace group, who were also running a 7:10 pace , so as not to encounter congestion at the water stations. I needn't have worried too much, there weren't very many stations!

The first half was tough, the second half tougher. From 10 miles my feet really started to hurt, and then my knees. It wasn't too bad on the flat, or even the inclines, but the descents were agony and I was running slower on the down sections. From 13 miles the pace slipped towards 7:18 but I was confident I could run to 20 through the pain, after all, it's not like it's a full marathon, it's 'only' 20 miles.

I was glad to see the finish. The 3 hour group, or what was left, passed me about a mile before the finish, but I kept them in sight, and actually caught them, finishing exactly at 2:22:00, average 7:11. So, 20 seconds slower than planned, happy with that. But it does make me realise that 3:10 might be a tad optimistic for Dublin in three weeks. Last year I ran the 3/4 at 6:50, the target for Dublin, and finished reasonably comfortable, this year not so much. I will concentrate on the faster stuff up to 13 mile sessions from here on out, hoping that if I get to half way comfortably, the fitness will carry me the rest of the way. My right foot is very sore after today's run, more than I have ever experienced before which does worry me a bit. I will rest tomorrow and evaluate Tuesday.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Berlin Marathon 2019

He only beat me by 74 minutes!

Getting the entry to Berlin Marathon via the lottery was a welcome surprise, but very unexpected. It didn't really fit with the plans I had for the year. Having run the 2:58 at Dublin in October 2018, I undertook to concentrate on my return to education, which I did, and thoroughly enjoyed, but I knew that there was no way I could work a very demanding full time job, study, and train for a 'good' marathon. So the marathon training had to take a back seat. I did keep ticking over with some running throughout the year, but very sporadic, and nothing of any consistency.

Things did pick up a bit towards the end of the summer, with the holidays from college and the longer evenings, but still disjointed, so going to into Berlin I felt very unprepared. Getting ill in the days before really just topped off my total abandonment of any expectation of salvaging anything reasonable in terms of time, but even though right up to the final day I was uncertain if I would run, I went to enjoy myself and make the best of it.

The trip over went well, and the visit to the expo wasn't too stressful at all. The threatened long queues never really materialised, and the expo was pretty much like any other major marathon expo. It was a bit of a disappointment that you had to pay to get a finishers t-shirt in addition to your entry fee, and high cost was a feature of everything associated with this event, which kind of took some of the shine off it. I had started to feel slightly better on Saturday, and knew I would run regardless.

As the hotel was quite close to the starting area, being a short journey by train, after a reasonably good nights sleep, myself and Brian headed to the start just after 7:30, which turned out to be a comfortable time. It was a beautiful morning, perfect conditions for marathon running, the breaking of the world record later being testament to that. The start venue area is huge, and with over 40 thousand runners, it was a busy spot, but still pretty comfortable, as well as quite scenic. Signage could have been slightly better, and while toilets were in good supply, everyone was queuing for the first set, when there were many others down further less busy. we dropped our clothing bags and I downed two nurofen with about 30 minutes to go. Not ideal I know, but it was the only way I was going to get started, never mind finished. They did the trick, and the headache subsided and I felt much improved by the time we got to the starting point.

The starting point was again huge, and both myself and Brian were in block D, which was quite close to the start line. We lined up together, and I wished him well with his target time, and no more was said. The atmosphere was good at the start line, but slightly subdued. It didn't take very long to get across the start line, and we were off. And so started the dance of what I call the ballerinas. The ones who just have to jump right across your path to get to the other side of you for no apparent reason, with a lovely graceful skip which if the person behind is not quick enough to react to, would probably bring both parties crashing down. It's a marathon! Chill out, you will get there!

I had set the watch to a 7:26 mile pace, which at the time I felt could be a bit optimistic, but it didn't really matter as I wasn't chasing a time. My expectations were that I was out for a 20 'ish' mile run with a 6 mile walk at the end, and that was okay. I had done no single long run of over 16 miles since the Dublin marathon last year, never mind the multiple 20 mile runs that are normally required for a marathon. The first few miles I didn't even look at my watch, and just enjoyed the start, in equal measure, loving the atmosphere of the event, and thinking about the pain ahead. What I did notice was how heavily I was sweating, my singlet stuck to my body very quickly and water dripping quite readily from my head, obviously a symptom of my cold, and subsequently the snots running from my nose, which thankfully cleared up later with the dehydration!

As I did start to consider the watch, I became aware that I was going far too fast, even for a marathon pace which would have been optimistic. Mile 1, 7:19, mile 2, 6:58. What! Slow this shit down, 6:58 would see me walking at 15 miles. Mile 3, 7:13, mile 4, 7:16. Better but still too fast. The problem was that the pace felt so comfortable, and it actually was more effort to try and run slower. The inexperienced me might have believed it was sustainable, but the experienced me knew better.
Mile 5, 7:07, crap, slow down! Mile 6, 7:21, well done, much better.

From the very first station I took on as much water as I could while continuing to run at a reasonable pace, and also half a clif Blok which are the gels I use, the plan being to do so every three miles. The sports drink offered was not one I had taken before, and it is never a good idea to try something new on race day. The strategy was working well, although the water stations were chaos with runners crashing into each other, pushing shoving and tripping trying to grab cups of water. Again, some inexperience on the part of some of the runners, with everyone trying to stop at the start of the station: TIP, run down the line and pick up from towards the end, nobody there.

Mile 7, 6:59, race horse mode again, mile 8, 7:07. I was kind of getting to the point where, because I was running some comfortably, I thought, 'sure to hell with it, just run the comfortable pace and whatever happens happens, I will end up walking anyway'. So that's pretty much what I did from there on, just ran whatever was comfortable. Berlin as a course is renowned as a flat PB course, which it largely is. It is not a track however, and there are of course some small undulations, but nothing like Boston or Dublin. The surface is good, a good width, and well shaded from the direct sunlight for the most part if you want to be.

Mile 9, 7:16, mile 10 7:22, mile 11, 7:03, mile 12, 7:21. At mile 12 I could start to feel the fatigue set in. This was the first sign of a wobble, and the doubts started to creep in. Would I even make it to 20 before the walk? I was definitely starting to feel it now, and I had missed taking my gel at mile 9 as I didn't think I needed it. Mile 13, 7:16, mile 14, 7:12. I had a recovery of sorts over these miles, the going was good and I always take stock at the half way point. I believed I was pretty much still at a reasonably comfortable pace, I have often felt much worse at half way. Mile 15 7:19, mile 16, 7:21. The effort definitely getting much tougher now, and mentally I was aware that this was as far as I had run in training, and at nowhere near this pace. Still, I just had to keep running comfortably and not even worry about the pace, let it worry about itself, even though I knew this was a very risky strategy for a marathon.

Mile 17, 7:20, consistent, mile 18 7:20. Okay, expecting to hit the wall shortly and begin the 'walking dread'. I met the first walker at 12.5 miles, which is quite early, but none then until about 17. A steady trickle from 18 miles, heads down, the wall getting the better of them, overly optimistic with their times and paying the price. I have been that runner many times!

Mile 19, 7:15. A slight over compensation for the expectation of the wall. Mile 20, 7:07. Surprisingly, no wall yet, strange alright. Mile 21, 7:11. So, 5 miles left, what would 9 minute miles give me from here? The calculations starting to see what time I could salvage. At Dublin last year, going through 21 miles and no wall gave me a huge boost, and I was really motivated from there to keep going, where as on this event, I never believed I would make it all the way, and that's probably a big part of the reason I didn't. Mile 22, 7:08, the last gasp before the impending fall, and the arrival of the self fulfilling prophesy. Mile 23, 7:48. And so it began. The head dropped, the brain started to tell me I needed to stop, I can't do it, I can't keep going, and to an extent it was absolutely correct. What the hell did I expect with so little training? The only reason I got to here was a latent fitness and the experience of running 11 other marathons, combined with one of the flattest marathon's in the world on the perfect weather day.

Mile 24, 8:29. Walking was involved in this mile, although to be fair, combined walking and running is a proven and effective method of getting there. If you keep putting the feet forward, you will get there eventually, and the walking breaks did actually help me. A slow run however, is always faster than a walk, and with this in mind, I picked myself up again to a slow jog. Mile 25, 8:21, slightly better with the anticipation of the finish not too far. Mile 26, 8:00, again nearly there, just pull whatever you have left together and keep moving. I didn't really notice the crowds, I knew they were there alright, but they made their presence a lot less felt than that of at other marathons. The finish at Dublin and Boston are on a par, both being excellent for crowd support. London not far behind, but probably a stand out in it's own right for the setting of the finish coming around the mall and Buckingham palace to the huge iconic gantry. Berlin, even though you pass under the Brandenburg gate, I didn't feel the 'lift' of the crowd that I had experienced at the others.

And so over the line at 3:15:34 for the official time, and 7:22 average, which was in fact better than my most optimistic expectation of the watch at 7:26, and I was very pleased with that. A long way from my sub 3 of last year, but you get out what you put in, and I probably got way more than I deserved for what I put in. Recovering the gear, and non-alcoholic beer, some photo shots, and back to the hotel for a lovely bath.

Overall a good experience. I would like to do Berlin again if I was in 'good shape' although I know it is all relative.

Flying back Monday, the legs were of course quite stiff. Recovery however seems quite quick, and I will shortly be minus one toenail - as always. Tomorrow Thursday will be run one after Berlin, Dublin training starts then.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Man Flu

Yep, man flu. FFS! Could anything else go wrong at this point?

Started Tuesday evening while flying, sore throat. Headache by bedtime, barely able to speak yesterday morning. No energy, hot and cold sweats, headache so bad I could barely function.

Nose started to run today with phlegm pouring down the back of my throat. To be fair, not any worse headache, so that is positive. Got home from work and fell asleep in my clothes. Much nose blowing, hot drinks, vitamin C (careful with the volume, 'may cause a laxative effect').

Flying out tomorrow, I will still go and see how I feel Saturday at the expo. Sunday is still almost three days away so there is hope, although I know my body and the cycle it goes through when ill, I generally spend a week with a chesty cough after the headaches and runny nose.

Now that there is a possibility I 'can't' run it, it makes me realise how much I actually do want to run it, bad time or not.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Too Little Too Late

The last two weeks of training have gone quite well, sort of.

After the 10 mile race, I recovered well, and did two more runs last week of 8 miles each at the same pace, and the second one I was running easily enough at 6:35 pace. I think my body adapts well to the tempo runs and that is always where I see most results from training effort.

A few easy runs at 8 miles also. Today I did yesterday's postponed run, which normally the Sunday before a marathon is around 12 miles at 10 seconds slower than target pace. However as Berlin target pace is likely to be very slow, I figured I'd run a tempo of sorts. So a two mile warmup at almost 8 minute mile pace, and then a 10 mile segment at 7:00 minute mile.

The tempo segment went quite well, although I did struggle on the last two miles a bit, the slowest mile was 6:58 and the average for the 10 was 6:51 pace. One mile cooldown gave 13 for the session, that being the highest single mileage run in over a month. My feet were quite sore afterwards.

While it was a good session and I was happy enough, it really is a case of too little too late. I should have been pushing out sessions like that about 6 weeks ago and building from there to here. Absolutely no long runs in weeks is going to be the cruicial missing element. I have gained back a moderate level of fitness, and would be confident of a sub 1:30 half easily enough at this point, the time on the feet and legs is what will do me in on the day. My body just won't be used to anywhere near three hours on the feet and legs. I honestly don't think I have been this unprepared for a marathon distance ever.

If I pulled out now and deferred my entry to next year I would lose nothing. My flights are staff travel, the hotel is not prepaid with free cancellation. But I would be letting others down by pulling out, so off I go for possibly 3:30 to 4:00 hours of pain! But this one will be for the event, the atmosphere and the enjoyment of participation. On that basis I am determined to enjoy the weekend and look forward to one or two cold beers in Berlin to ease my pain on Sunday evening. Some 'fun' running 😳

Sunday, 2 September 2018

A Win is a Win?

Expectations, time, and change. Work and reward, balance.

A well deserved break, if I do say so myself, saw ten days of my favourite activities. Time with the kids, great food, nice wine, cake, and some gym sessions with a bit, but not a lot, of running.

On one stop in the Bahamas, the cruise company organises a 5k run. More along the lines of a park run than a full race, no chip time, and in the spirit of fun. 33 degrees celceius is not quite what I would be used to at 9am. My first 'race' since sub three at Dublin last year, still a bit nervous at the line. 'GO' and we were off. Difficult to judge the other runners gathered around, second place for the first half mile behind an overly exuberant teenager, finding myself leading to the finish after that, in an extremely modest 19:20. But 'a win is a win', kind of.

Back to the more familiar climate of home, with three weekends left to Berlin. Despite getting off an overnight flight on Sunday, I managed a 10 mile run. It went well enough, although I definitely noticed the extra found from unlimited food of holidays.

I had signed up for the Dublin race series 10 mile a few weeks ago. Knowing how far away from last years fitness I am, I planned a 'conservative' 6:50 pace for the 10 miles. The familiar crowd at the start line were like old friends I had missed for many months, with a few notable missing comrades.
Positioning too far forward, smiling to myself that I would be one of those I would often complain about in races gone by, who caused an obstruction and should have know their place.

At the off, the first two miles were too fast, but perceived to be comfortable at 6:30 exactly. The brain knew it was too fast, mile three 6:36, and I knew I would not last and got some sense finally and slowed towards a more comfortable pace of 6:45. From 5 miles the effort was tough and at times I wondered if I would have to stop, but I persevered until I couldn't, which thankfully never came.
As always I had no sprint finish and when I was on the final stretch I was satisfied with the clock just ticking over the 1:07 to finish at 1:07:04. But I was spent. The tought crossed my mind as I looked at the 6:42 average pace, how the hell did I managed just a few seconds slower for 26.2 miles just a year ago?

The calculators say that I should be capable of a 3:06 with that 10 mile benchmark time, but this is where the experience of the human knows better. With no run longer than 16 miles, and no particularly high mileage, I am still thinking anything under 3:30 would be optimistic. But like today, that would be a 'good result'. It's great to want to improve, compete, do well, but if those are not options, then feck it, I might as well just enjoy it!

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Definitely Not Going to Plan

Its been quite a while since I wrote anything down, well about running that is. Most of the first six months of the year was spent writing for college, and not so much of the running, which is why I find myself where I am now.

Getting the entry for Berlin was an unexpected surprise, but to be honest a poisoned challace. If it had been last year, or the year after next, I might have been able to give it a descent shot, but as things stand, I will struggle at best.

While I was doing some running, many weeks was only mileage in the 20's, and of poor quality, just ticking over. No real speed work , no hills, no tempos and no long runs of any substance. Quite a few 8 mile runs at 7:40 to 8:00 miles. When I did finish college I had hoped to have time to get some good training done, but then work took over. I basically spent five weeks travelling around Europe, eating at lots of nice restaurants as part of it in the evenings, which was great, but not very good for training.

Things have improved somewhat over the last few weeks, but the long runs are proving very difficult as week after week I struggle badly in trying to keep any type of consistent pace for any distance. This week I ran 16 miles at 7:23 average, and almost walking the last 1.5 miles home, having to lie on the floor to recover when I got in the door! Admittedly the distance for the week was 57 miles, but  many times last year I would have routinely run that mileage and had no problem with a 20 mile run at the same pace, or even 10 seconds faster.

It seems I went from 8 to 15 too quickly for the long runs, not building consistently as I have done on other blocks. Also, the lack of tempos is really showing. There was one tempo this week, 1 mile warmup, 8 miles at 6:44 average, with a 2 mile cooldown. Last year than would have been 20 seconds faster.

So with some holidays planned, and only 5 weeks to Berlin, I have to start thinking about what I can 'get away with'. I would love to think 3:20 might be possible, but judging by my recent long runs alone, that looks overly optimistic. So it looks like I will be back to 3:30 territory , where I started 6 years ago. Not so bad I suppose, it's all relative, if I take it easy and try to run within myself, I am more likely to enjoy the event.

Sunday, 11 February 2018

For The Record

Again, I am not great lately at keeping the training record up to date. It has been a few weeks, so for guidance I figure I better write something down.

Things have been improving really only in the last ten days or so. Up to then, I was still vey much in the leading to run again phase. But I can notice a little zip coming back again, relative as it is to a very poor base line, but encouraging nonetheless less. The weekly mileage is around 40 again, which is where I am happy with for this stage. Once I get comfortable there, I will start increasing the intensity with some speed and tempo sessions, and then gradually push out to 50 by probably end of March, but that is a while yet. Last post was 21st Jan so since then:

22/01 - 10 miles at 7:11 pace. Encouraged by that, felt solid by not overly hard, but I had no run the day previously.
23/01 - 6 miles recovery run, 8:01 pace. Felt really tough after the day before, mileage done but might have been better with a rest day, suffered all the way.
24/01 - 4 miles, easy again, pushed for time due real life, I would have liked 6 but still tough enough at 7:51 pace.
25/01 - 6 miles. Two easy warmup, 7:44, 7:43, then two mile tempo at a tough but comfortable feel pace: 6:30, 6:20. Two miles cool down, 7:49, 8:01. Very happy with how the two fast miles felt.
26/01 - 5 miles, two easy, one at 6:57, two easy again, 7:22 average.
27/01 - rest day
28/01 - 11 miles. 7:37 average (approximately) battery died for the last two miles. Again, a faster pace run which was comfortable given the rest day previously.
29/01 - rest day
30/01 - Speed training with Gary. Only six miles for the session, but a great workout. 1 mile warmup, then a mix of distances at various paces, with the fastest mile at 6:04, 6:41 average.
31/01 - 6 mile recovery run at 8:06 average.
01/02 - 6 miles, two easy warmup, two mile tempo at 6:41 avg, two mile easy cooldown.
02/02 - 6 miles easy at 7:38
03/02 - 8 miles easy at 7:39
04/02 - Gym session with the eldest, 3 miles treadmill, 7:10 avg.
05/02 - 8 miles easy 7:32
06/02 - speed training. One mile warmup then into a 35 minute tempo. 6:28, 6:21, 6:32, 6:26, 6:32, and a .2 to finish a 10k in 40:21. Very happy with that, if I had started with the faster pace for the warmup mile I would have a sub 40 10k, albeit on a track, but it is definitely the first time in avert long time I could hold a faster pace for more than 2 miles.
07/02 - rest day. Quite stiff after the hard effort the day before, so rest to recover.
08/01 - tempo day again. Two easy miles, then 3x1 mile repeats. 6:13, 6:12, 6:18. Two easy miles home, and a good quality session under the belt again.
09/01 - easy 8 miles at 8:00. I has thought I might run this session a bit faster, but I definitely felt the effort of the fast miles in the legs, and much of this one was a struggle.
10/02 - rest day, needed after the tire effort the day before.
11/02 - 11 miles at 7:25. I had forgotten that I had recently run this one harder just two weeks earlier, and probably was a bit conservative. A strong blustery wind on the way out,many a snow shower on the way back didn't help!

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Slowly, slowly.

Weather has been crap, work has been busy, and the body is protesting!

While I am still working on getting to grips with my fancy new watch, there are some really nice features. I am enjoying the sleep monitor, which is mostly accurate but can be adjusted if not. The app is really useful and easy to keep track on what is going on.

All runs this week were fairy short for various reasons. Wind and cold were the main feature of the week. I didn't push the distance too far, still preferring to try and get the body used to running multiple days. However, my left hip firstly, then knee, then foot, then heel, all started to protest to varying degrees. As always, I just push through, and after a few miles it always seems to improve.

Monday 6.2 miles 8:07 avg
Tuesday 6.2 miles 7:13 avg
Wednesday rest
Thursday 6.15 miles 7:28avg
Friday 6:03 miles 7:34 avg
Saturday 6.2 miles 7:05 avg

Today should have been a long run, but it lashed rain and I though four days in a row might be a bit much, so with the weather forecast better for tomorrow, I will try for an 11 mile run then.

Monday, 15 January 2018

A Slow Start

Slowly I am starting to ramp up the distance, and it is not going as well as I had hoped.
The new watch is great for giving me all the information I never had before, such as heart rate, cadence, calories etc, everything most people have taken for granted from their watch for the last 5 years!

Monday I did an easy flat 6 mile loop, part of it on the track, average pace 7;32.

Tuesday I went to speed training for the first time in a long while. I thoroughly enjoyed the company as I normally tend to run on my own. I took the session very easy as I didn't want to push it too hard too soon, not that I would have much in the tank to push right now anyway! It was nice to kind of blow out some cobwebs for a change.

Wednesday was a rest day, and I really needed it after the speed training the night before, my legs were tired, but not quite sore. Thursday again was an easy 6 miles, same pace as Monday.

Friday I decided to re-introduce some hills into the training. At the off, my left hamstring was very tight, and within the first two miles I was almost heading home. I began to think that I was pushing too many miles too quickly, but I have found in the past that if I push on for a few miles the pain / injury / discomfort normally dissipates eventually. This is probably never a good idea, but seems to have worked so far. Anyway, 4 miles in and I had warmed up and the discomfort was a lot less, although the pace was very slow.  The only bonus was that the steep hills were no harder than the flat segments. 7.1 miles at 8:15 average.

Saturday I took as a rest day, the weather wasn't particularly good so I was happy to sit it out. On Sunday I wanted to test the pace a bit over a longer distance. With a potential half marathon in mid March, I needed to find out if it was worth even trying to train for it. So with a planned 11 miles, I set my watch (eventually) for a 7;25 pace. As I set out, I was a bit confused at the pace display which seemed to have me running a lot slower than I would have expected. After the first while I figured out I had set the pace at 7:25 per kilometer, and not mile! So I had to revert to a different screen and run average pace. Anyway, it took about two miles to settle into the pace which felt quite tough initially, but then I settled into a nice stride and it felt a lot easier. Finishing the 11.1 miles at 7:19 average, I was kind of glad it was finished, but pleased with the result. It's a long way off 26.2 at 6:47 I was doing just over two months ago, but as I know my body, I am confident that I can improve if I can get some consistency over a few weeks.

Today was just a recovery week of 6 miles which went well, but I was glad when it was over. It will shortly be time to re-introduce the tempo runs, and the mile repeats sessions, which usually provide the quickest improvement. That's if I can get this watch figured out!

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

A First in Five Years!

Today was a first for me in over five years, although in reality it was probably achieved a few days ago without me realising, such is the nature of the circumstance.

I knew I was getting close over the last week or two, solid progress towards the target evident with each passing day. Even the arrival of my shiny new Garmin, with all its fancy applications such as built in heart rate monitor, stairs counting, steps counting etc, couldn't stop the end result.

Yes, for the first time in over 5 years, I weigh more than 11 stones. 11 stone 1 pound to be exact.
An unrestricted diet of pretty much whatever I wanted got me to this point, coupled with a serious lack of training. Cake, any kind, but especially Christmas cake, chocolate, but particularly peanut M&M's and quality street, and biscuits, much mince pies and a fair few takeaways of mainly fried chicken, chips and Chinese resulted in every tightening jeans. And I enjoyed every single calorie!

The intention was to resume normal service yesterday, but wouldn't you know, I have caught an illness. A serious headache, coupled with a sore throat, and a slight temperature meant I decided that it would be unwise to further stress an already under pressure immune system. The fancy new watch showed a resting heart rate average of less than 40 go to over 50 in two days, coinciding with the onset of the adverse feelings. Not sure how that might play out in the future but it will be interesting to observe the correlation, if any.

So the new regime will begin tomorrow, refreshed and polar bear like in my new layer of natural thermal insulation, ready for winter training , although the days now are getting longer, and as we Irish like to say 'sure there's a grand stretch in the evening'. I know that I have lost a serious amount of fitness since Dublin, but in a way that motivates me afresh. Progress will be observable quite quickly, rather than if I had retained a similar level, and made little improvement, and I am hoping that it won't take too long.

Half marathon target in March, 10 mile target in April, Berlin training begins mid May. I don't expect to be over 11 stone for very long. It's quite amusing actually. Observing the weight on my body, I see it as 'something' rather than me. I know I am underneath it, I just need to shed it again. But I sure did enjoy putting it there!