So nothing in the way of an update for a month.
Normally in November, after the Dublin marathon, I tend to still run some fairly consistent mileage, albeit no neccisarly all that high. This time, I have been a little less focused.
The week after the marathon, my first run was an easy 6 miles on the Thursday, next run being an easy 10 miles on the Sunday. That was a good start, but it kind of fell away a bit then. I went to a speed session the next Tuesday, and we congratulated Gary on his win.
Since then nothing much really. A few easy runs is all. Last week, 26 miles, two easy 10 milers and a six mile, with a gym session and a swim thrown in. Having broken the three this year, I am not as I was other years, gunning for revenge and plotting the next opportunity for an attempt on the summit!
For 2018, I intend to take the 10 mile distance a bit more seriously. Until then, December will be as November, just getting out when the weather is good, enjoying the runs when able, and continuing most likely with the weight gains, as I do most Decembers. The wife says its nice to see some cheeks on the bones.
Having had some time to reflect on the sub 3 achievement, I am still quite proud of it, but once it has been achieved, I was left slightly wondering what the next obsession would be! Can I knock some further time off, and would that really matter, probably not. The training and effort required to lose two or three minutes, I'm not sure would be worthy of the gains, sub 3 is sub 3!
Anyway, the weather has gone cold, I'm busy at work, and Christmas is coming. Roll on 2018, and I have you in my sights mister hour!
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