Thursday, 16 February 2017

Sometimes less is more

Despite the best of intentions, last week I only got 41 miles done, less than the planned 50.

No run on Monday.
Tuesday was a planned tempo session. 1 mile warmup as always, and then into it.
The target was for 8 miles around half marathon pace. However, my target half marathon pace is quite ambitious for my current fitness level. I set the watch to 6:30 minute mile pace.
As per the norm, the first two miles were very tough, and always I wonder how the hell I am going to keep the pace up. But as I warm up into it, the miles tend to get easier, and tick by quickly, so by 4 miles I have usually found my stride, and it actually seems to get easier.
I suppose the miles went by easily enough as I hadn't run the day before, but in any event, I finished the session with a 6:25 average, and the pace was fairly consistent all the way through.
One mile cool down to home was 10 for a good session.
Wednesday evening it was late, after 9pm when I headed out the door into a cold crisp night, and I just did an easy pace six miles.
No run Thursday as the weather was pretty bad when I got home from work, I was pretty wrecked, and the kids just wanted some family time, so that was that.
Friday was a day off. I had deferred a hard long run the previous week, but there was just no getting away from it, so it had to be done. A mile warm up, and then off for 12 miles at 6:55 pace.
At the off, it felt easy enough, but I knew the last few would be a slog. The slog never really materialised, but there was some slightly slower miles towards the end, with a 6:56 average to finish. I definitely put that down to no drink for the run, not even a sip of water, but overall, again quite pleased.
Saturday, again the weather wasn't great, and I skipped the run. Sunday, even tough again the weather wasn't ideal, I pushed out an easy, and turns out quite enjoyable 12 miles.
So only four days, but some good sessions.

This week, Monday was again an easy 9 mile run.
Tuesday had originally been planned for the 9 mile target pace run, but due to a short notice change at work, I had to cut the speed part to 5 miles, which was a pity, because the session was going well.
As I knew mile 5 was the last one, I pushed it out to a 6:18, with 7 miles for the run.
On Wednesday I did what I really don't like to do, and I went for a run early in the morning before work. It suits some people, but not me. I plodded agonisingly around for six miles, dragging myself, and the legs decided to wake up on mile 6, a bit late!

A better break to today. Again it was late enough when I went out. I went to meet a group from the club who run on the local GAA club track. Two mile warmup, and then into 4x1 mile at 6:15 pace planned. I had some very welcome company for the first two miles, but unfortunately we pushed each other a bit hard, and mile 1 was 5:56, mile 2 6:05. The next two I ran on my own, 6:07 and 6:08, with a two mile cool down.
I enjoyed the faster miles again, and I definitely need to start working on that over the next few weeks.

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