Sunday, 8 January 2017


I'm not big on New Years resolutions.
I think if you commit yourself to something which may be unreasonable, or 'just because' it's new year, then you place an unreasonable pressure on yourself. Of course the counter argument would be that you may be more resolute and determined because of such pressure.
Either way, I started into this year with no specific plan, and just an idea of what I might like to see happen. That plan will develop as the year progresses, and will depend on many different variables, such as health, training continuity and progression, work, and family life. For all those reasons, I have an idea, but nothing firm.

After Monday's 'lovely' run, I was really motivated. 
Of course, Tuesday's run, while good, was a lot tougher. I had planned on a tempo run, but I knew that I had tired legs before I set out, so again I elected for a 9 miler, hoping maybe for some faster miles if I was able. The first 5 were easy feel pace, and I pushed out mile 6 and 7 to 6:24 and 6:17 respectively, then eased back for the last two mile cool down.

I didn't run Wednesday, and Thursday evening was 8 miles. 3 mile easy warm up with some fellow club members, then 3x1 miles, 6:25, 6:05, 6:15, with two miles cool down.
No run Friday due to a 4:30 am start for work.

Saturday was Tuesday's planned tempo run. 1 mile warmup. I wasn't quite sure what pace to do the tempo miles, with 7 planned. I set the watch for 6:50 pace, knowing that I should be able for better, but being conservative. I tried not to look at the watch during the run, only run to feel, and see what the mile splits were when the watch beeped. 6:35, 6:39, 6:30, 6:32, 6:29, 6:25, 6:23. I was quite happy with that. The splits got faster, but the effort didn't feel any harder. The last mile was a bit of an exception, where it was very comfortable, but I was concious of the tiredness in the legs, and I did know that I was pushing the effort more than the rest. One mile cool down for 9 miles again.

Today was an entirely different proposition! One thing I haven't mentioned was the strength work I have been doing. Everyday, post run, or at some point if I haven't run, I will do 30 pushups, 30 sit-ups , 30 squats, and some curls with Dumbbells. I also bought an ab rolling wheel. While I can definitely see the physical effects beginning, I do think they are making the runs slightly more difficult on the legs. I set out today hoping for 13 easy miles, but it quickly became apparent that it was going to be a battle. My quads were stiff and sore, and I was working really hard to get any kind of rhythm going. Miles were averaging 8 - 8:30 pace, and i was really struggling. I did get easy after 4 miles, and funnily enough, easier again after 6 miles, but I cut the run short at just over 10 miles, and I was glad at that.

So just over 45 miles for the week, a good start. The important thing is that I feel I got some good benefit from the runs I did. I will likely start to introduce a bit of faster shorter sessions, some 400's and 800's and the like. We have been lucky with the weather so far which really helps. Next week is not looking so good!

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