Currently, I am pretty much off. Off running.
I have been doing a bit, but not much. Last week was 32 miles, but that was over 5 days.
Before I reduced the mileage, I had a little attempt at a local 10k which I run each year, but which is normally during the summer. It was moved this year to two weeks after the Dublin marathon.
I went up, not expecting much of a performance.
A funny thing about the few speed sessions I have done over the last few weeks, the mile repeats are particularly fast, easy feel is 5:55, pushing it is 5:45., but it only lasts for the first three, then I am bushed.
Anyway, off I set on my 10k, seemingly unable to pace myself, or being stupid enough to believe these fast miles would carry me around. Sub 6 minutes for the first two, 6:15 and 6:25 respectively for the next two, and back to something resembling a steady pace for the last two, to finish in 39:00 flat on the chip time. 15th overall, and fourth in category, although to be fair, it doesn't attract the top runners. I was very pleased with that, two weeks to the day after a marathon.
Of course, I need to celebrate such achievements, and I have been doing so with food and drink.
Over the last few weeks since, I have been indulging my naturally ferocious appetite. More food and less miles will lead to the inevitable weight gain. But psychologically I think the break does me good. I see the next few weeks, until the new year, as my cheat 'month', where I will just eat what I want, have that glass of wine extra, and if it's raining, sit on the couch and enjoy the warmth and maybe some television. Others have taken up the cross country running, but not for me, this year anyway.
On a sad note, I had applied for Berlin marathon for next year on the basis that while I had said no marathons next year (but nobody really believed me), if I got it then it was some kind of karma telling me it was the right thing. But then as I waited for the results date, I got really hopeful, researching hotels and the course and everything. Now I didn't get it I am disappointed, but decision made for me.
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