Sunday, 17 January 2016

Coming up short

So last week I had hoped for 45 miles this week, but I only managed 40.

The four 'w's are the biggest impediment to any runners training plans.

Work, Weather, Willpower, and Wife!

Work is just very busy, and always is. I can't run early in the mornings, as I often fly quite late, and it would be irresponsible of me getting up at 6 am and then trying to land an aircraft in bad weather 17 or 18 hours later.
The weather lately has been mixed, but joining the gym has mitigated against that somewhat as I should be able to do even six miles on the treadmill if it gets particularly bad out doors.
Willpower has been lacking slightly, but after this week I feel that I am getting back into it. It is a self perpetuating cycle, if you are running well, you are motivated and will be encouraged. When you are not running so well, you tend to get a bit disheartened. I find about three weeks of good quality training breaks the cycle.
As any runner will probably testify, an understanding wife is vital when training for multiple marathons. But balance is important, and there are times when I have to accept that family comes first, running is just a hobby (I have to say that).
My theory holds that the more control you have over the four 'w's, the better you will get.

This week, Monday was six easy, Tuesday the same. Wednesday was the day I had planned but had to skip due to one of the 'w's.
Thursday was a speed session, although shorter than I would have liked due to the late hour. One warmup, 3x1 mile at 6:10, with one cool down.
Friday was always to be my rest day, 13 easy miles Sarurday, with 10 easy today.
So 40 miles as opposed to 45, but feeling positive this week. Trying to push towards 50 miles this week will be hard, the next report will be written from the USA as I head off on Sunday.
On the plus side, after next week, I have plenty of time off due holidays, so I should be able to ramp up the miles at that point.


  1. I also started running in November 2011, on the 10th to be exact! For me it was for stress relief, right after a brutal corporate tax exam. Accounting didn't stick but the running did:) It is difficult to fit it in with family life, bad weather and money chasing, because all of those things seem to be sucking away willpower! Balance is definitely the key, well written.

    1. I am very impressed at you out running at such temperatures! That's dedication. Impressive mileage too. What's the next goal?

    2. Thanks, I'm training for a local marathon on May 1st.
