After the high of the Dublin marathon comes the cold weather, and the weight gain! Surprisingly, while the legs were of course sore the next day after the marathon, they were in far better shape than after any other. I even ventured over to speed training the next night, just for a gentle run, and also to congratulate Gary on his fantastic performance. Myself and Brian m, who also ran the marathon did about 2 miles of very easy laps, and I couldn't resist joining in with the main group for their last rep of fast 400's, just to see. I managed the run pretty well, although in actual fact, I suspect the full after effects of the marathon had not even impacted on the legs at that stage.
Garys advice for recovery was just very easy 15 minute runs every second day. Thursday I did 3 miles at 7.30 pace, and Sunday was 5 miles at the same pace. Monday was 6 miles slightly faster at 7.15 and I was at speed training that Tuesday, where although not back to normal the legs felt well on the way back to recovery, although the percieved effort for the pace was much harder.
Over the next few days I did 29 miles, mostly around the 7.15 pace, but the tempo I ran at 6.15 for 5 miles, which due to being away with work, had to be done on a treadmill in the hotel gym, so that may not have been very accurate. I don't like treadmill's very much. Sunday was the longest run so far at 10.5 miles with an average of 7.15 pace, although I met up with Glen for the last few miles, and he pushed me to a 6.50 for the last mile. Rest day Monday, and back to a tough speed training session on Tuesday night with Gary. We did timed runs, alternating between 5k and half marathon pace, with the faster timed portion increasing in intervals of 20 seconds up to 2 minutes and back down again, with the recovery being the half marathon pace at 1 minute. My garmin gave me 4 miles at average 6.05 minute miles, and I felt pretty good after, and would have happily done another few slower miles.
Yesterday, I headed out for an easy 6 miles, and because they were supposed to be run at an easy pace, I decided to incorperate some pretty steep hills. Of course, once I had warmed up, the 'easy' pace went out the window, and I ended up trying to run flat out up the hills, and tempo down and the flats, and did a total of 7 miles. About 2 hours after I had been home, the legs got very sore, and for the rest of the evening I realised I had definately pushed it too hard. The stairs became an unexpected challenge, and I was definately paying the price for two hard workouts so close together. I guess the body has a way of letting you know when you are being stupid!
My appetite has gone through the roof since the marathon, and I am finding it more and more difficult to stop rewarding myself for the great job I have done with cake and chocolate. The combination of this, and the reduction in miles per week has resulted in the inevitable weight gain. I have accepted that I will put a few pounds on, and am up to 10st 4lbs now, so from here I will have to be carefull, half a stone is alot to try to have to loose again.
I have no races planned between now and the end of Febuary. The next one will probably be the Bohermeen half marathon, but if there was a race at a weekend I was off I would probably give it a go. There is a possibility of the Manchester marathon in April, its flat and fast, one or two others in the club might give it a go also. I intend to keep the weekly mileage about 35 or so and try to work on speed for 10k's etc for the next few months, and trying to get some consistant sub 6 minute mile workouts. In the meantime, christmas is coming, and the runner is getting fat!
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