Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Not much, but some.

While December is officially my 'off running' month, obviously I am doing some running.

Not much admittedly, but up to last week it was between 20 and 30 miles per week.
Last week I only ran twice, a total of 10 miles. One of those days was my ritual of the Christmas Day run. The weather wasn't great, but perfectly acceptable.

The longest run was the week previously, where a little tempo experiment saw a mile warmup, 6 miles at 6:45 and a mile cool down. It went quite well, although around this time post marathon, I always wonder how I managed that sort of pace for almost 26 miles.

Overall, no hard running, but sustaining a standard which should allow me to ramp up fairly easily. 27 miles over the last 4 days, all easy pace runs while the weather has been nice. It's important to make miles while the sun shines!