So I am still alive.
Next year when I look back on this blog to see what I had been up to this year, the answer will have been, not much!
After Dublin, I threw myself back into it for a while, but without the focus of a marathon to train for, things started to slip. Bad weather, long days at work, dark evenings, all the things you need to push past to keep going, got in my way, because I let them.
Two weeks ago I did 13 miles slow, and two days later did the same. A few days in the gym on the treadmill, three 6 mile runs last week, probably doing between 20 to 30 miles on a good week.
This week, 12 miles ( maybe a run tomorrow).
My weight has started to creepy up, and I find myself eating more rather than less. I have always asserted that I am a fat man in a skinny body, only as long as I run consistently. I started running when I was 12.5 stones, went down to 9 st 11 lbs at my lightest, and am back around 11 stone now.
I will join the thousands of others who resolve to begin fresh in January. I really hate that resolution, because it means I failed to maintain a decent level prior. The training for Boston will be all the harder with 14 lbs to lose, and a low fitness base.
So to sum up my message to me next year, I slacked off for November and December and gained weight. Don't do it again!